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Forum Posts

Feb 01, 2022
In Wellness Forum
Internet 3.0 ended yesterday . I was lucky enough to be able to participate on stage and also learn from the other speakers. I did not have the opportunity to listen live to Daniel Iglesias' presentation entitled "Storytelling: Branding in a liquid state". Tell storiesFotolia photo rights Reading the comments on Twitter it seems that it was good because they were all very positive. I don't remember exactly who it was, but in a tweet I read: “ storytelling is fine but I'm more into storydoing ”. This morning running my 13 kilometers through Alicante and San Juan inspired me to write today's post. Storytelling and story doing are two sides of the consumer email list same coin I recently wrote about the power of storytelling when it comes to creating a brand . Without a doubt, the story you create around your project is essential to increase the probability that they will remember you. You can't tell it without living it. You cannot separate one thing from the other. That is why talking about story doing as something opposite that differs from storytelling because it involves action does not make much sense. The stories are told because they are based on something real and lived. Without these 2 elements, storytelling loses its strength and credibility. A story becomes a tale. The Twitter phrase sounds good at first glance and is highly retweet able but there really isn't much behind it. Sounds good, period. Storytelling and story doing are two sides of the same coin. This is how I live and understand the concept. Make history People need heroes. They are those who give everything for their dream and even sacrifice their lives to achieve their goal. I don't want to be the next Steve Jobs if the price is having to do a biography before you die of cancer so my children know what his father was like because he was never home. There is a price that I am not willing to pay, so as an entrepreneur I surely have a ceiling as far as I can go. If my hypothesis about the price to pay is correct, I will not make history, but this does not mean that I cannot do something important. As a blogger I am willing to pay a price because it is compatible with my current life. I live the story I tell every day. A storytelling without action is nothing. It is a packaging without content. The best marketing in the world is useless if there is not something solid behind it and it dissolves at first sight. You dedicate yourself to telling stories. If you really put action and soul behind your words you will be able to make and create a story. Maybe not everyone will get to know it but you will know that you have lived it. That's the only thing that really counts.


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